Grow The Game Program

With the goal in mind of how we could help grow the sport of paintball, we came up with the "Grow The Game" program.

So what is it? The program is designed to reward those that are putting their best foot forward in growing our sport, from individual players, teams, photographers, videographers, content creators and anyone else that might fit the part. CX Factory will be offering up to 25% commissions on all sales from our website with our chosen partners. 

Who is eligible? We will have strong vetting process for those applying to be part of the Grow The Game Program, however we encourage anyone to apply that feel they are contributing to the growth of our sport. We will have limited spots each year for the different selected categories of the program(such as photographers, teams, content creators, etc) as we want to create the greatest opportunity to those putting in the extra work in our industry. 

How do I apply? Applicants needs to fill out the PDF form below and send it back to us at: